Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Day one round up

Yesterday was my first day of writing up the first draft of the book. I had already written the first three chapters and sent them off to friends to review, so yesterday I was just rewriting the first chapter in the light of their comments. I got to my daily word count of 3000 but because a lot of it was copying and pasting, it didn't feel as satisfying as if I had done it all from scratch. I am looking forward to getting to chapter 4 so I can start new stuff.

The chapter I was writing yesterday and will hopefully finish today is about the social significance of driving, what it means to me and what it means to others. Today's bit is about how gendered it is as an activity. We still think of it as man's work. In my view that has far less to do with the activity itself than with a general fear of women's freedom.

Back to it.

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